A River Runs Through WE – March 2017
Canoe the Great Trinity Forest – Women in the Environment River Expedition. Led by Charles Allen wiht Trinity River Expeditions.

A River Runs Through WE – January 2017
Lunch and learn the history of the Trinity River. Presentation by Lucy Hale, Trinity River Audubon Center.

Bonton Farms Tour – June 2016
Bonton Farms is an encouraging development in reclaiming vacant sites for job creation, income production and healthy diets and habits.” Tour and shopping trip to a former food desert near the banks of the Trinity River.

Lunch & Learn Series May, 2016
WE invites you to learn about bicycling in the region and what the City of Fort Worth is doing to keep people pedaling.

We survived Earth Day – Celebration Time!
We’re meeting at Checkered Past Winery where you can
- network
- relax
- kick your feet up
- hang out with friends

Fort Worth Nature Center Tour – March 2016
Escape work and join WE in as we tour and Fort Worth Nature Center with Suzanne Truffle.

What to Do When the Inspector Arrives – February 2016
With government inspections and related penalties on the rise, it’s important to understand how to efficiently and effectively prepare to OSHA inspections.
Speaker: Cynthia Bishop, Attorney.

Investing and Sustainable Choices – January 2016
Make more sustainable (green/SRI) choices when deciding where to invest your money.
Speaker: Mary Anne Mayer Redmond, Certified Financial Planner.

WE’s Annual Chocolate and Wine Networking Event – November 2015
This networking event hosted by Women in the Environment is a casual meet and greet that kicks off the holiday season every year.

Art with Repurpose Eco-Art Market – October 2015

Green Eggs and Ham Networking Breakfast – September 2015
Women in the Environment’s networking event of the year.

Legislative Outcomes Presentation – August 2015
A presentation on the outcomes Texas’ 48th legislative session – where there environmental gains?
Speaker: Julia Ryan, Green Source DFW Reporter

DFW Population Growth, Transportation and Water – July 2015

Dallas Farmer’s Market Tour and Tasting – June 2015

WE Celebrates the Planet – April 2015
Tour a LEED Certified residential project in Jubilee Park and enjoy Earth Day Dallas.

Welcome 2015 Networking Mixer – January 2015
Free and open to all.

Art with RePurpose – September 2014